Watch The Hangover Part 3 Online Free (2013) or Download The Hangover 3 Movie Now : A surprise blockbuster hit, the original ‘Hangover’ took a brotastic scenario then mined it for gross-out comic gold. Success breeds sequels, or in the case of ‘The Hangover II’, the exact same movie reset in Bangkok. This third – and if there is a benevolent god, last – entry finds our unholy trinity returning to the original scene of the crime,Vegas. ( Watch The Hangover 3 Online Free ) Wolf Packers Phil (Bradley Cooper), Stu (Ed Helms) and Alan (Zach Galifianakis) are on the road again when they’re kidnapped by John Goodman’s mob boss; it seems Mr Chow (Ken Jeong, cringeworthy as ever) has stolen some gold bricks, and only the trio can find him. You’d think that a Vegas reprise might channel some of the first film’s gonzo energy, but other than an early giggle-inducing shocker (two words: giraffe decapitation), ‘Part III’ has curiously little interest in being even remotely funny. Instead, director Todd Phillips inexplicably aims at making a standard action movie, complete with car chases and break-ins that compound the sense of creative bankruptcy. Galifianakis’s clueless manchild act feels pitifully DOA, while Cooper and Helms, having realised they could play their roles in their sleep, proceed to do just that. It’s only in an end-credits coda that the envelope-pushing of the series is displayed. That you have to wallow through 100 minutes of Hollywood dry-heaving to get there is the sort of fuck-you to the fans you’d rather forget.
Download The Hangover Part 3 Movie Free (2013) or Watch The Hangover 3 Online Now : The $467 million global receipts for The Hangover were always likely to condemn us to at least two sequels, in which those stag revellers from hell, the self-described but by now thoroughly repentant "Wolf Pack", would be guaranteed to experience Further Bad Things. In The Hangover Part III, these include bad scripting, bad plotting, terrible joke formulation, and not a single character actually having a hangover until part-way through the end credits. ( Download The Hangover 3 Movie Free ) What kind of a Hangover movie is this? The reason these follow-ups are called Parts II and III is at the smirking expense of The Godfather, but irony has long since fled: it's clear from the ongoing saga that the filmmakers consider their original creation a genuine classic of its kind. Why else flash back to tiny and long-forgotten details about a drug deal in Part I to explain why the lead trio have stumbled into dire straits again? This time, their tag-along buddy Doug (Justin Bartha) gets kidnapped by a scary crime boss (John Goodman), and only by hunting down old partner in crime Chow (Ken Jeong) will they succeed in getting him back.
Watch The Hangover 3 Online Free (2013) or Download The Hangover 3 Movie Now : Part II was randomly horrifying and about as comical as volunteering for castration in a Bangkok jail. There are echoes of its misjudged excess – not least in the grisly fate suffered by a beautiful giraffe a few minutes in – but the oddity of this movie is mainly what it decides to subtract, rather than anything it's successfully adding. ( Watch The Hangover Part 3 Online Free ) It's practically a drying-out session: the guys are now all happily married, except unhinged moron Alan (Zach Galifianakis), whose wayward personality they're determined to curb. This goes "hilariously awry" – read merely awry – when they find themselves embroiled in heist antics, first in Tijuana, and then in Vegas, site of their original debauch. By the time they're clambering around the battlements of Caesar's Palace trying to break into Jeong's hotel room, it's turned into a lame and non-alcoholic caper movie, less Ocean's 11 than Billy Ocean's 11.
Download The Hangover 3 Movie Free (2013) or Watch The Hangover 3 Online Now : Bradley Cooper, newly respectable since the last one, gets not a flicker of anything funny to do, and Todd Phillips's movie wastes the franchise's secret trump suit – Ed Helms's mountingly hysterical reactions – by barely giving him anything to react to. It's hard to see how the core audience will get along with a movie which bins even the basic template of half-remembered carnage. ( Download The Hangover Part 3 Movie Free ) Briefly encouraged though we may be when a key Wolf Pack member tenders his resignation – after all, the Godfathers stopped at three – this is merely a feint before the eye-gouging final kicker, a solitary punchline sprung when half the audience will be heading out the door. The faithful may titter, while the rest of us worry it's not over yet. If there’s one thing of which you can’t accuse The Hangover Part III, it is reverting to formula. It almost seems a challenge from Todd Phillips: “You thought Part I and II were the same? How about something that’s nothing like them?” Where the last film faced (fair) charges of simply being a do-over of Part I, this final part rejects all the familiar beats — the blackout, the violent gross-out humour, the desecration of Ed Helms’ face — and starts over. There’s not even a hangover.
Watch The Hangover Part 3 Online Free (2013) or Download The Hangover 3 Movie Now : It is both a stylistic new beginning and a neat conclusion to the story, tying up loose ends you didn’t even know were dangling. The question is whether people come for a character wrap-up, or the daft fun they had first time round? Because this isn’t so concerned with the latter. Phillips hasn’t really made a comedy here. ( Watch The Hangover 3 Online Free ) That’s not because he’s written jokes that don’t land; it’s that a lot of the movie isn’t played for laughs. It’s less a buddy comedy than a convoluted heist movie with a surreal bent. This time The Wolf Pack is found by the people who sold Alan (Zach Galifianakis) drugs in Vegas, who have now been ripped off by Chow (Ken Jeong), whom they must find, along with his stolen gold, or Doug (Justin Bartha) will be shot. Despite covering more ground than the first two films — Thailand, Las Vegas and Mexico all get a visit — there’s a smaller, almost indie feel. It’s back alleys and dive bars rather than penthouse suites and tourist traps. Problems are solved with guns, not monkeys. If the previous two stages of hangover were confusion then delirium, this is the bit where you brood in a darkened room.
With reduced noise around them, the reliance on the central three is stronger than ever, and Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Galifianakis are now so gelled that there’s pleasure in just watching them bicker. That’s not true of Jeong, still giving it full fruitloop when everything else is… half fruitloop. It’s a discordant muddle of a group. It’s a discordant muddle of a film.